пятница, 30 марта 2018 г.

Un intermediaire dans l’affaire Sarkozy avait ete invite a la reception de Macron a Alger


Un intermediaire dans l’affaire Sarkozy avait ete invite a la reception de Macron a Alger

Alexandre Djouhri, recherche par la justice francaise pour participation a l’operation de financement de la campagne presidentielle de Sarkozy par des fonds libyens, avait ete invite a la demande du secretaire general du Quai d’Orsay a la reception donnee par Emmanuel Macron, le 6 decembre 2017 a Alger, selon le site d’information Mediapart. подробнее:
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вторник, 27 марта 2018 г.

Plaid Cymru 'would hold Wales independence referendum'

Rilrae 27yo Looking for Men Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Plaid Cymru 'would hold Wales independence referendum'

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mazal 48yo Looking for Men Chicago, Illinois, United States

In a conference speech, Adam Price called Wales "a wealthy country whose people live in poverty". more on Geo altCom
Loveless_emo 19yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Wichita, Kansas, United States

nakkeyslut 19yo Looking for Men Highland Park, Virginia, United States

понедельник, 5 февраля 2018 г.

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?????: 19 ???? ????? ???????????? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???

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четверг, 1 февраля 2018 г.

Swansea turn their attention to Liverpool's Lazar Markovic

Umustbow2me 41yo Looking for Men Morristown, New Jersey, United States

Swansea turn their attention to Liverpool's Lazar Markovic

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jhaye156 22yo Everett, Washington, United States

Liverpool winger Lazar Markovic is discussing his move to Swansea City. The 23-year-old former Benfica star is wanted by Carlos Carvahal after a move for Atletico Madrid's Nicolas Gaitan collapsed. more on Geo altCom
5fdpgal 26yo Malvern, Arkansas, United States

welike2havefun33 19yo Portage, Michigan, United States

четверг, 25 января 2018 г.

Ohio great-grandmother gets a MARCHING BAND for birthday

alittlextra76 35yo Round Rock, Texas, United States

Ohio great-grandmother gets a MARCHING BAND for birthday

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the1uwerewrndabt 39yo Gonzales, Louisiana, United States

An Ohio woman was surprised by a high school marching band on her 100th birthday Tuesday. Dozens of Boardman High School band members arrived to sing her Happy Birthday. more on Geo altCom
kittykits 47yo Harpswell, Maine, United States

D0m3softly 37yo Augusta, Georgia, United States

вторник, 23 января 2018 г.

Queen's harpist on trial for sexually abusing 14-year-old

hotchickz5 20yo Frisco, Texas, United States

Queen's harpist on trial for sexually abusing 14-year-old

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TippyTop 39yo Looking for Men Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Danielle Perrett, 59, and her ex-fiance Richard Barton-Wood, 68, are on trial at Ipswich Crown Court where they deny a string of sexual assaults against the alleged victim in the 1980s. more on Geo altCom
SEM2930 42yo Kissimmee, Florida, United States

skooter6 42yo Casselberry, Florida, United States

Doctor helps women through labor by dancing with them

diix20 20yo Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Doctor helps women through labor by dancing with them

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chocchkforvandk 46yo Rochester, New York, United States

Dr Fernando Guedes da Cunha, a Brazilian obstetrician, helps women get through labor pains by dancing with them. Studies have shown movement helps make labor shorter and less painful. more on Geo altCom
Exotic_Curves 23yo Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Marisabond 49yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States