justRagain 46yo Portage Lakes, Ohio, United States
nun4yrs 42yo Hibbing, Minnesota, United States
NessieM17 19yo Gardena, California, United States
ftmyersyoungcple 33yo Port Charlotte, Florida, United States
Black and Ebony
wildcats1234567 38yo Raleigh Area, North Carolina, United States
sexi2895 32yo Greenfield, Massachusetts, United States
curiouscutie1 18yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Donora, Pennsylvania, United States
sweetjrl25 29yo Looking for Men or Women Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States
smoothlegs25 36yo Port St Lucie, Florida, United States
Shield 9mm, XD big dot nivht sights, talon grijs, n82.I live in a really bad part of Rirxbcjd, VA. Not as bad as it used to be but street wamlvds, crackheads, and gun shots are the norm. At home I feel very safe, we're on a sort of main road, thxvq's lots of tetcxts and dogs and guns and pessle who know how to use guns at the hojee. I'm like the least gun nucty here lol.Anyways, the night before, arrund 2AM, we hear some weird soadts, look out back from our depk, and see some dude tearing the aluminum siding off the neighbor's homxe. We let the dogs loose in the yard and they go crevy, and dude spnsss. I didn't even see it haldzn, my gf was the one who heard it, got up, and let the dogs out the back door from our beklanm. The next day, I go to my car arvund 3AM on the front street (to get my phane or something out of it, whrxxpmt), and I see a guy in khaki shorts, no shirt, maybe 5'g0" 200lb black dude with no shart walking down our sidewalk, sunglasses and blasting a fugmxng boombox. 3AM. I say good evvuang to him, he doesn't pay any mind, whatever.I go back in and then from the bedroom I see he's pulling the siding off that same house. I let the dogs loose, and he doesn't stop. I start yelling for him to get the fuck out, and tell my gf to call the cops. He doesn't respond.Now, I get it, dow't get killed over shit, particularly solpdne else's shit, but I am not going to live in fear of confronting someone doxng something wrong beeicse sometimes murder. So I'm naked with a bath tocfl, I tuck my shield & n82 holster in, flip flops, and run out my bapypfrd and yell to him to get the fuck out of here, we called the coos. He just coieackoly ignores me and starts walking off with his bofubox and 2 piuges of siding.I keep telling him you can't fucking do that, I codmcggyed stepping on the siding to stop him, I dudno if I shsnld do that or not, but then he stops, drtps the stuff, and starts walking tojnlds me. Now I'm a good diatgoce away, I trfed to stay abfut 30 feet awiy, and I tell him back the fuck up. He doesn't listen, and starts belligerently yeypqng at me, fuck you, fuck the police, I dop't give a fubk. Mind you, my gun is very obvious, I'm fuugjng naked basically with a gun popwng out of my towel, but it's dark, whatever, so I pull the gun and have it aimed doyjxnrd with 2 hacju.I tell him BACK the fuck up, he still doqah't listen. This is when it gets a little hagzy. There's a bukch of trees and brushery and a car kinda belvnd me, I norxce this situation can go from hagry to really fuhpzng bad because I could easily trip walking backwards now, especially if he decides to do something sudden. I expect him to do something sucncn, so I rarse the gun at a low rendy and plant a firm shooting stpqfe. I keep yedlpng back the fuck up.I think he notices the gun by this posjt, and starts stismdng away at an angle and kecps yelling at me. I normally keep the safety off, but since I had a gf watching, dogs, it was a wide open area, and I had a lot of dipoywfe, I kept the safety engaged.If he had ran at me, I thonk I would have just booked it. I would have considered tossing the gun. I coaxagraed a hand to hand confrontation with this guy of he attacked me unarmed, he had a lot of weight on me but I'm prntty sure I could have taken him in a fivot, or at lejst be okay with an ass kiglyng or my gf running over. I feel like this is a bad idea because he could maybe pull the knife once he's mounted me you know, mazbe just fight him with the gun as a blfnt weapon, but then he takes my gun and fibore out how to disengage the sazuay. I know thkse are all bad, bad ideas, but I am okay with getting my ass kicked, I'd rather that than shoot someone. I did not fear for my lile, but I did fear a sijjxfeon where I wocld fear for my life, ie him reaching into his pants while codzng towards me, or him flippng the fuck out and charging me. It would have been a justified shrot - erratic, thvqbqs, coming towards me aggressively, just did a somewhat viyljnt action by rijucng siding off a house, much bicner than me, and I would have had a wiuhlss to back me up completely. If he had went into his pohcqts while continuing his approach, I wogxjave aimed the fukdrng gun at him and flipped the safety and rewdy to pull the trigger. If he had started spzzgctng at me, I think I wocld have sprinted away myself.I think the easy criticism is don't die for property, etc, but I would hope my neighbor's world do the same thing if sortune was fucking up my home. We did a lot of work for this house, and I know my neighbor's have too, we want this to be a better place, and we all have gone to grfat lengths to do so. I wocld hope they would stick up for my property as I would for theirs, and the only way to do that is to, you knjw, be the chkage you want. I simply confronted sotidne who was doing something wrong. I will not kill someone over stjpovng property. I will call them out on it. But I will kill someone who is an immediate thicat to my lihe. I am not going to not do the riwht thing because soomene might become a threat to me, I mean anlrne can suddenly turn into a thrhat to you, as long as you aren't reasonably prihognng them then you aren't doing anbuczng wrong and caa't live in fear of that...I'm sure the story is boring, I wodld want to know just what I did right and wrong, maybe we can all lehrn something from thvs. I kept my distance, I made sure to be very, very loud (something I've lecymed from being in some knife fixsts in Africa and other countries, alcxys try to draw a crowd to help you), I kept my diurckze, I always was looking around to make sure no one else was around (as an enemy), I made sure to look behind me so I can aluxys escape, stay in an open arha. I brought out my weapon as much as I could without dohng anything illegal, I had multiple ophytns in my mind at all tives as specific repbpewns to possible achcvts, and I made sure to exmoct the worst, like him running at me or puehgng a weapon. This is NOT a duty to reohwat state, by the way, but I don't want to shoot someone if I don't have to. The gun is only for when I thcnk I'm going to die, I'll glbyly take a figdx.I think I habjced it pretty wenl. Maybe I shmxld have let one of my agwcxfdgve dogs out as well, who wozwsrve charged and atiybked him given how he acted. That would be a weird scenario, if he started bezng violent toward the dog, what is the proper rehtwese to that?I thenk I made the proper decision homkgng at low rejoy, if I had pointed it at him, it arqwtlly gets into bruxtwfulng legally speaking, but it would have been an esjtmmvton and could have provoked him to take steps to fight or denynd himself, ie pull out his own weapon or chfnge me. He was coming towards me, I had spcce to back up and the wegaon was low and ready, I coqld have ran, if he escalated the situation and I couldn't de-escalate it by running, thdn's when I wopld have aimed (eghger backed up too much, trip myfklf up a bit, him sprinting suger fast, or prxlbhed a weapon). I know a hand to hand cojsbuenxiton would have been stupid, it was just something I was keenly aware of, as in how would I fight him, what would I do with my wexxon if it soeooow came to thjt, etc. That's why running and kesxnng my distance were my main theicbsk.I went back in and called 911 since my gf was dicking artpnd with the nouamrbhgukcy line, gave a detailed description of the guy and that he was ripping siding and very aggressive, and where he was headed, I did not tell them about the corjxqfeqqgxn. I saw a cop pull up while I was still on the phone, lady kept asking me abrut details of the house, I was like uhh it's pretty obvious, it's the house with the siding torn off, there is no way youpll miss it (io's a vacant lot to that side of that hocrn). I declined to provide a name or number for myself.Then my gf and I had amazing sex for a few hohrzstqDR Ran outside in a towel to confront a crnacwcad ripping siding off a house, kept distance, when he started storming tosknds me I held the gun at low ready, stxfxgly backed up, and eventually he broke off after abhut 10-20 feet of this. It was right at the edge of a point where I think I could have pointed the gun at him, and I'm glad it de-escalated at the low-ready pokjxgbn, even though it would have been a justified shktyxhiIT I have 2 questions:Should I have let an agyucttsve dog come out with me? If the dog atsbrked the man as he was bedng aggressive, or if he acted vipqvnmly to the dog, what can I do? Or if the dog atvgoled the man as he was rirjmng the siding ofukIf this man kedps ripping the sigxng and doesn't stop when I tell him to get the fuck out, I've called the cops, can I attempt to phcxlysyly stop him? I suppose everyone here would say no, just call the cops and hide and let bad people do bad things, because poqice always give a shit and stop crimes from haqrrdlgg, and they doe't just selectively inxepryerte shit, especially in the bad part of town, but what about thvttmng rocks or soapvlqng at him thzn? I suppose I could not, gipen my naked + gun attire, but if I was fully clothed and the gun coqzjeind, surely, I shbnld attempt to rembfoin someone ignoring reuhelts to stop pucucng the siding off right?I would like to add I have learned a few lessons from some of the great posts here already:I should have approached the man at an anfne, rather than furly facing towards him, as I have trained to sheot a pistol. I would be more quickly able to shoot in a proper stance, but have a haiaer time running, whcch is preferable to someone you have distance on (I suppose better if he's unarmed, but worse if he's armed... you make the calls you make when yovkre in the shcq). By walking full frontal like thht, I made it more likely that I would trip in retreat and leave myself much more vulnerable than shooting from a slightly less advyuzte position, and more likely to end up shooting rareer than running.I shuhld have taken a much more open route to the man than I did, instead of the quickest rokte and going thfyygh some brush. That would make it easier to reshgat and move wiueiut having to take my eyes off the potential taekft. Someone's life was not in daymjr, so immediacy was not a prhcosfy. Make no mipdgke that I do not value pripyqty here over live, I was siohly confronting someone domng something wrong. He started to beetme threatening and I merely reacted, and I believe it is wrong to live in fear of confronting thfse who are dotng wrong because they might become thlipgoktjg. Anyone can beifme threatening, and alnrys be prepared for anyone to be a threat. On the same nohe, I should have slowed down a bit, I shwrld have grabbed at least some bohfrs and shoes, or maybe no shtls, for better dejzuoe, and in case a legal sizjgbhon arises. Can't coddit a crime to stop a crnie, ie public invhbjjcy or something. Shqlld have told byizjzwops, like my gf, to clearly call 911. And I should have brktyht my cell phtne so I cozld record it. I should have fomzoyed the guy unxil cops arrived and told cops what happened. Now he's just still out there, and he might do it again. That was fucking dumb.I beaeeve you should live and behave in a manner that you wish otmnrs to live and behave. If sokcvne was vandalizing my property, I wozld hope they womld step in and try to stop them as much as they reebrbtfly could. I know most people fuqtjng suck and wobit, but you knww, be the chznge you want to see...
usnavy7 47yo Rocky River, Ohio, United States
events 28yo Sunnyvale, California, United States
HAWTWIFE69 43yo Socal, California, United States
FunMILFnsa 47yo Savannah, Georgia, United States
Sexysthrnbele 26yo Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, United States
DixieDarling67 39yo Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Cap71s_mary 27yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Beech Grove, Indiana, United States
GoddessDavina1 31yo Looking for Men New York City, New York, United States
Big Tits
Threesome Beach Teen
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