суббота, 7 февраля 2015 г.

Marcus: The right’s crusade against Obama

kykky1803 35yo Monroe, Georgia, United States
ellimaygonewild 43yo Santa Rosa, California, United States

LittleEllie 24yo Looking for Men or Groups Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
cureeousgirl 41yo San Francisco, California, United States

Marcus: The right’s crusade against Obama

Such is the daggers-drawn state of political discourse in Washington these days that President Obama could go to the National Prayer Breakfast, call the Islamic State a “brutal, vicious death cult” — and still end up being assailed by conservatives.Read full article >>

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Mizbehaved75 36yo Looking for Men Liberty, Missouri, United States
calentar4el1 26yo Pussystaywetgreensbr, North Carolina, United States
2become12010 31yo Lakewood, Ohio, United States

atlglryhlegal 32yo Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States
msexplorer 44yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Lewisville, Texas, United States
Latin_Italian_69 33yo Alexandria, Virginia, United States
Daydreamer14 45yo Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

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shelby161 39yo Marysville, Washington, United States
militarybabe666 23yo Looking for Men Charleston, South Carolina, United States
termanhard 48yo San Antonio, Texas, United States
ladyeofani 30yo Bangor, Maine, United States

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