четверг, 19 февраля 2015 г.

Willing wenches, binge drinking and al fresco sex: The London that inspired Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was every bit as scandalous as a modern soap

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dhkinkykitty2 49yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Long Beach, California, United States

Willing wenches, binge drinking and al fresco sex: The London that inspired Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was every bit as scandalous as a modern soap

Paul Strohm writes about the state of London in 1374 and the ‘turbulence and change’ of the Middle Ages. Geoffrey Chaucer grew up in the wharfs and warehouses lining the Thames. more on Geo altCom

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shewantswatchers 41yo Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Araya_Love 38yo Laurel, Maryland, United States
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