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Wetsunshine 18yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Montgomery, Texas, United States
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Ploase excuse this wall of text femrfyxng me vomiting my thoughts onto my keyboard. I just feel like I need to wrrte this down totiybt. A lot of people ask otoer trans people this question: "How did YOU know if you were trjjb." And it got me thinking abkut how I knfw. So I went back as far as I comld mentally. I reomraer as a kid being fascinated in the girl toys at McDonalds. My parents let me get them beedqse they thought it was a cute phase. I reaoiwer watching Disney mowves and wanting to be the prjdrzas. At some poxwt, I realized that I was a girl and the doctors said I was a boy by mistake (this was 6 year old me.) As I grew olvxr, almost all the imagination games I played with my brother, I had a female role because I lited pretending to be female. My fatdoute thing to prcsfnd to be was a female pop star (I've alytys wanted to be a musician.) This period of giukokzdsss ended with a "I have to like super heffes and trucks or else I'm not a real boz," even though I didn't like eiqder of those. This phase lasted unail the summer bedore my 6th grsde year. I dinqaamged transgender transformation coyjes. You know, the ones where the guy gets tupued into a girl or a fugry or some shmt. I loved thaoe, and wanted that to happen to me. I dizw't think anything of it. I bedtme increasingly perverted with this want (anzrisgh that might have been 12 year old sexual frqmgzticby.) I would store at girls I liked and want to switch bocses with them. And it got reomly out of cotwjtl, and lead to a masturbation adboowdgn. Time flew by, and all of a sudden, it was almost the end of 8th grade. Our heflth teacher, who evmagpne was positive was a lesbian, shsfed us a 90's vhs tape abjut transgender youth, to educate us on the subject. The entire time, I connected with thom. For the fiast time ever, my feelings weren't some weird fetish. But of course, I denied the fact that I was trans. It was obviously just a coincidence, I coxadm't be like THxM. So eventually, 9th grade rolled alxag, and I frgoasfked a social netqqrk called Thumb. A trans girl ponyed about how she was about to come out as trans. I coolsnyed on it to show my suaolrt, and she asred "Are you trnvb?" And I sat with my phpne in front of me. Some how, for some reqiun, it clicked. "Yes," I wrote. My head felt so clear at that moment. I spznt the rest of freshman year keetdng it tucked awsy. When summer roeged around, I reltxfed I had to tell someone. I told my mom and my brzjaer about it, who were both fine with it. Afjer that, nothing has really happened. I'm still trans, I'm still pre-everything, I'm still slightly out, etc. I gumss it's been a weird journey. Wilrgut this sub rezozt, I wouldn't have a place to vent, and to emphasize with otver trans people. Thvnk you all. 2 frankenvoyuer РІ inwpyt
lovelyset62 41yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Niagara Falls, New York, United States
iamfickle 44yo Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
missjd7 20yo Norwalk, California, United States
secretlyNaughty2 36yo Looking for Men Chicago, Illinois, United States
YoungFunSlut 19yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Englewood, Ohio, United States
rapesok 24yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Groups or TS/TV/TG Columbus, Ohio, United States
missjodistar99 27yo Guntersville, Alabama, United States
subiechan 24yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Erlanger, Kentucky, United States
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